Dogwood Mountain Homeowners Association
Fruits & Flowers of Dogwood

Welcome. Dogwood Mountain is a subdivision in the Sierra Nevada near Shaver Lake, California. This web site serves property owners and their guests.

lower entrance sign
Lower entrance sign 2023
upper entrance sign
Upper Entrance sign 2023


Annual Homeowner Meeting

On Aug 3, 2024, we will meet at the Shaver Lake Community Center (new location) at 1:00pm. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided; desserts, salads and appetizers are welcome. Read more details.

Upper Entrance Sign

Peter Chilpigian replaced the sign at the upper entrance, which was destroyed in the 2020 Creek Fire. See the photo, below.

The Creek Fire

The Creek Fire started Sep 4, 2020. You can find more information at the Sierra National Forest and Sierra 911 Info Facebook groups. Sierra National Forest declared the fire 100% contained on Dec 24 and announced the cause of the fire as “undetermined” on Jul 16, 2021.

Shaver Strong logo
-Elee Helzer

Public Safety Announcement

If you believe that there is a code or zoning violation affecting Dogwood Mountain subdivision residents, the Fresno County Development Services Division processes violations of the County Building Code and Zoning Ordinance on a “complaint” basis. Please select this link (PDF) to complete a complaint form.

You may also check the Dogwood Mountain covenants, created at the time of incorporation, to see what is allowed by our homeowners association:

Association Documents

For your convenience, copies of the Association legal documents (CC&Rs) are now available in our About Dogwood page.


The National Weather Service at Hanford provides forecasts for Shaver Lake and automated weather observations from a location near Shaver Lake.

Sierra Marina operates a weather station and a Web Camera on the lake.

Some nearby Purple Air sensors are reporting real-time air quality on this map.