June 2010
CSA 35, Zone “AS”
Report from the Advisory Board:
When we started the CSA, our intent was to save up money so we could replace large sections of road and save on transportation and materials costs. We told the County that we will wait till next year and hopefully be able to replace 2 or more miles of roads.
This year we will put our emphasis on clearing out drains, replace damaged down draft drains with lowered screened cover inlets, fill in the large areas that are down to mineral earth with base and asphalt, and put down a slurry coat on areas that are crumbling to slow down damage until next year.
We talked with Tom Nunes and he said they will bring all the equipment that is required for repairs and the slurry coats up about the middle this July. The equipment will be up in the mountain areas for the balance of the summer and work will be done in conjunction with other CSA’s.
We have provided the balance sheet for you and if there are any questions please feel free to contact the advisory board through this website.
February 2008 letter to association members (PDF).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (PDF).
Sequence of Events (PDF).
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