Trees cut on Woodland Rd
Three dead trees cut, Woodland & Shuteye, June 4, 2016. (Click to enlarge)

Aug 3. The July Newsletter for the Wawona Community (PDF) reports that PG&E may begin a program to dispose of trees that they cut down for safety reasons.

May 25. Barb Hankins has mailed (USPS) this update (PDF) to homeowners.

May 8. Don Dukleth has shared this letter (PDF) to Supervisor Poochigian as an example.

May 6. Barb Hankins has provided the following update:

May 3. Barb Hankins reports the following resources and links:

The Federal Government has decided not to declare our area a state of emergency, which would free up funds from the federal government for tree removal. The more residents that write describing our situation with the dead trees and the threat of fires and loss of homes as well as natural resources, the better chance of changing their minds. You can contact:

Congressman Don McClintock
2200 A Douglas Blvd, Suite 240
Roseville, CA 95661
Phone: (916) 786-5560
Fax: (916) 786-6364

The Fresno County Board of Supervisors lists a resolution declaring a local emergency regarding tree mortality. There is a link on Supervisor Poochigian’s page. (You can also try this direct link (PDF).)

Supervisor Debbie Poochigian

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